How To Access Your WordPress Website Admin Dashboard

You can log into your Loclweb WordPress website admin dashboard from anywhere in the world. You’ll learn how to log into your WordPress website admin dashboard and log out also. You can update any part of your website from the WordPress admin dashboard, including updating pages and blog posts.

Recommendation: You should not log into your dashboard from a shared computer. This could lead to your website content being compromised if someone gets a hold of your password.

Log In

Step 1: Type the following URL into your browser:

You must replace with your own domain name. Once you go to that URL, you will be redirected to the login screen. Read step 2 thoroughly before you log in.

Step 2: Verify security.

You should have a secure URL which is signified with a lock icon before the URL. You can click the lock icon to verify the security certificate. DO NOT log in if you receive an alert in your browser that the connection is not secure.

Contact us immediately if there is any indication your website is not secure.

Your browser URL bar should look like the image below once you are on the Loclweb login screen.

Loclweb admin dashboard secure log in verificaiton.

Step 3: Log In

Loclweb WordPress website log in screen.

Type your username and password into the proper boxes and click the Log In button.

Your username should be the same email address you used to sign up for your website and use on the Loclweb website to access account information. Your password is also the same as on the Loclweb website.

Be sure to log out once you make complete everything needed in the admin dashboard.

Log Out

Always log out of your admin dashboard when you’re done. This ensures no one else can use your browsing session.

In the top right of your admin dashboard is the message “Howdy, username”. Hover over that with your cursor and then click on Log Out.

Log out of a Loclweb WordPress website.

That’s it! You can make any modifications to your website from the admin dashboard. That’s where you’ll post new blog posts and also create new website pages. You can also change almost anything else about your website from the admin dashboard. That means you need to be careful not to make changes that could mess up your website.

If you have any questions or issues accessing your website admin dashboard, you can always open a support request by clicking the Support block in your website’s admin dashboard.

Last updated October 26, 2021

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